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Check out how 12 other countries do burgers

By : | 0 Comments | On : May 21, 2014 | Category : Burgers

via Thrillist 2014-05-21-b1.jpg
CREDIT: Flickr/Tim Lucas

As Americans, we may think that because we (MAAAAYBE) created some of the best foods in the world, that we’ve perfected them, and that there’s nothing else that can be done to improve upon their greatness… except maybe adding bacon. Welp, we might just be wrong about that — take the burger, for instance. Sure, we popularized it and made it a fast-food staple, but so many other great nations have put their own unique spins upon this mighty foodstuff. Here are some of the most intriguing, sometimes donkey-filled examples of the burger’s global cousins.


CREDIT: Flickr/Kim Ahlström

The German Hamburg steak is a kind of proto-hamburger, without which the sandwich we all know, love, and relentlessly consume today would never have been developed. Essentially, it’s just steak that has been chopped into tiny pieces and formed into a patty, a cooking style adapted from Russians back in the 18th century. So who’s really responsible for the advent of the burger patty? Probably the Mongols, who preferred the ground-up meat as a bun-less, portable alternative to other meals, which allowed them to raid and eat on the go. They also probably invented Go-Gurt. But it was zee Germans who brought it to the next level.

More: The true origins of 13 classic American foods


CREDIT: Flickr/Greg Holland

While international burger chains are pretty ubiquitous throughout the entirety of Mexico, there exists a burger that’s entirely Mexican: the hamburguesa Mexicana. This burger is almost identical to an American burger from the States, except for the addition of ham and cheese fried on top of the burger, as well as such traditional Mexican toppings as jalapeños or avocado slices. Basically, Fuddruckers owes Mexico a thank you note.


CREDIT: Flickr/Alpha

Stateside, a burger with “the works” will usually net you some tomatoes, lettuce, red onion, and pickles. In Australia and New Zealand, however, there are even more accoutrements involved — and they call it “the lot” because they’re fancy Commonwealth nations. “The lot” involves the aforementioned toppings, in addition to (usually) pineapple, sliced beets, a fried egg, and bacon, and if you add ‘em all, you’ve got one ace sanger, mate. (We have no idea what we just said.)

We also took a look at the burgers of East Asia, India, Denmark, Serbia, and many other countries — and it’s all on!

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